Annie Strobel - Maid of Honor
Laurel first met Annie in the hospital on August 8th, the day she was born. All she remembers about that day is that Annie's hands were the size of grapes, and being a big sister was probably going to be pretty cool because she had just received a new Cinderella dress for it.
Andrew Quintero - Best Man
Subscribe to his YouTube "Andrew's forty"
Ashley Germany - Matron of Honor
Laurel first got to know Ashley freshman year of high school when they played nuns together in the Sound of Music. Since then, Ashley has been a steadfast best friend.
Adrian Quintero - Groomsman
Adrian is Anthony's older brother who has a son named Malakai who will be the next Michael Jordan. Or the Pope or something
Jessica Quintero - Bridesmaid
Jessica is the sister-in-law of Anthony, and wife of groomsman Adrian Quintero. Laurel first met Jess at Quintero family Thanksgiving 2022. She has been a constant source of support for both Laurel and Anthony.
Anabella Quintero - Bridesmaid
Anabella is Anthony's younger sister. Laurel first got to know her the summer of 2022. Her sweet presence has been a comfort at family events.
Aaron Quintero - Groomsman
Aaron is the youngest brother of Anthony. He is an i-Pad kid.
Amelia Quintero - Bridesmaid
Amelia is Anthony's youngest sister. Laurel first met her (not counting phone meetings) when she stayed with the Quinteros for a few days the summer of 2022. Amelia's silly temperament never ceases to entertain.
Jaret - Groomsman
He has depression.
Kathleen Andrews - Bridesmaid
Stanley Calaco - Groomsman
Mary Wolternist - Bridesmaid